Request & Feedback

Request & Feeback
Yasya El Hakim
Have a question and need a quick answer? Try Posting Your Questions in Public Communities. Add Thread.

If you (especially the owner of Materia X2) want to request additional features or want to provide feedback. Feel free to write it via the comment section below.

We strive to continuously improve our product to meet the needs and expectations of our users. We highly value feedback and feature requests from our users as it helps us understand what features are most important to them and how we can improve the product.

We encourage our users to share their thoughts and suggestions through the comment section below. We appreciate any feedback and feature requests as they help us create a better user experience for everyone.

Feel free to join our Group on WhatsApp! Thank you.

Yasya El Hakim
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To add an image:
[image] image_url [/image]

To add a code block:
[code] your_code [/code]

To add a quote:
[quote] your_quote [/quote]

To add a link:
[link] your_link_text | link_url [/link]
Comment Poster
Hi, I would prefer 16:9 as image size of featured image in every index pages like hompage, labels page, and recommended posts. Can you please update next version with this consideration? smaller screens (liek small laptops) come with hidden sidebar- this was better before.
If you set the display to Grid Layout, all the image aspect ratios will be 16:9.
Comment Poster
AnchorAD feature request
By default AdSense already has this feature. You can enable Auto Ads on the AdSense Dashboard.

Need to know that we can't place anchor ads manually, nor create any code that will produce anchor ads. AdSense only allows anchor ads through the use of auto ads.
Comment Poster
Random post widget (grid,slider...) feature request!
[Added] Custom Widget random post (Random Index Number) option
Comment Poster
publication date and reading time do not fully display on mobile devices.
and if you change the layout? like this:
Updated: Post Meta Buttons (Share, Comments, etc) on Mobile
Comment Poster
It would be nice to see this design back, it looks great. - popular posts.
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Add views System Like this:
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It would be great if you decrease the duration of all animations, to make it a bit faster.
Which animation?
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Template yang luar biasa dan memiliki banyak fitur, saya harap di versi mendatang terdapat fitur postingan khusus produk/jasa dengan label harga, mengingat kebutuhan blog sekarang tidak hanya sekedar menulis, terimakasih.
Comment Poster
The images of the publication on the home page look very blurry, you can try to make it look a little better, it would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading
Already Added in v3.8: Posts Thumbnail Resolution Options (Low/Medium/High)
Comment Poster
Mas bisa dibuatkan fitur :
1. Pilihan untuk menampilkan / menyembunyikan post di homepage
2. Recent Post berdasarkan label atau random post yang bisa disematkan di bawah postingan unggulan yang mirip dengan post di homepage.

Terima kasih,
Comment Poster
I could add an option to increase the resolution of the profile picture in posts (Low/Medium/High) please 🙏
Added: Post Author Image Resolution Options (Low/Medium/High)
Comment Poster
Hello, maybe you could add this Gadgets or Widgets to the footer of the Materia X2, it can be something similar or equal to the following images:
Comment Poster
Request fitur ini mas untuk update berikutnya :
•Auto Show TOC di atas Title <H2 di semua postingan,
•Shadow Effect di Sidebar Gadget,
•Auto Countdown Timer Links di semua postingan (Setiap user klik Dapatkan Link, waktu timer nya tetap berjalan dan tidak mengulang jika mengklik yang lain)
[link] [/link]
Auto toc
[image] [/image]
Shadow effect
[image] [/image]
Auto Countdown Timer
Comment Poster
In the next update could you please add more components, such as more variety of buttons and cards in a variety of colors and models, I tried to add more accessories manually, but I don't know how to do it.
Comment Poster
I would like there to be an option that allows me to increase the size of the navigation bar icons, since I think that on mobile devices it looks very small.
You can add custom styles (CSS). the default size is 24 x 24 pixel.
Comment Poster
The current design is very nice, and I understand that it is based on Google, but Google's design is changing over time and is now opting for a more UI design, it would be amazing if you could do something similar, thank you.
Comment Poster
I could add an option to increase the size of the icons that are found when entering a publication, I am referring to the share, comments and save icons, I think they are very small, thank you for your attention.
Updated: Post Meta Buttons (Share, Comments, etc) on Mobile
Comment Poster
Could you add an option to disable or enable the verification icon that appears next to the profile photo? Please
Added: Post Author Badge (Disable | Enable) Options
Comment Poster
I would like to add my own text fonts, how can I achieve this? You could add some functionality that allows you to add custom text fonts, both for the secondary text and the title of the posts. Thanks for your time.
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A more Google Bard style UI design please
Comment Poster
You could add a widget that allows searches from the main page, it would be great if it had a gradient image background, plus a title, subtitle and below them a search bar, please.
We will try to add this feature.

To be monitored, please create a Thread with the 'Request' tag on the [link]Thread|[/link] page.

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Untuk Natal, apakah ada kejutan yang sangat spesial di update Materia X2? Ngomong-ngomong, desain barunya cantik.
We'll see as the update progresses
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Animasi saljunya mantap mas, apakah tersedia fitur untuk custom animasinya dengan gambar lain seperti logo yg dikecilkan dalam bentuk png
Sertinya nanti akan menyesuaikan dengan Event mas
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could you please add a feature to keep dark mode forever?
We will try to add this feature.

To be monitored, please create a Thread with the 'Request' tag on the [link]Thread|[/link] page.

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Can we add repeat post ads? Auto ads sometimes don't show up or aren't enough. It was available in the old theme I used, the clicks were higher. Believe me, its impact is huge. For example, one ad can be added every 6 lines for each < p > value.
We will try to add this feature.

To be monitored, please create a Thread with the 'Request' tag on the [link]Thread|[/link] page.

Comment Poster
Can you add this font?
موجود هذا الخط طلبت منه يضيفه من قبل .... وممكن تلقي نظرة على مدونتي
Hi, the font already exists. You can use Bentham Font.
Comment Poster
Reques font
dan request random thumbnail
Added at v3.9.9