Request & Feedback
Request & Feeback
Yasya El Hakim
Have a question and need a quick answer? Try Posting Your Questions in Public Communities. Add Thread.
If you (especially the owner of Materia X2) want to request additional features or want to provide feedback. Feel free to write it via the comment section below.
We strive to continuously improve our product to meet the needs and expectations of our users. We highly value feedback and feature requests from our users as it helps us understand what features are most important to them and how we can improve the product.
We encourage our users to share their thoughts and suggestions through the comment section below. We appreciate any feedback and feature requests as they help us create a better user experience for everyone.
Feel free to join our Group on WhatsApp! Thank you.
Yasya El Hakim
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[image] image_url [/image]
To add a code block:
[code] your_code [/code]
To add a quote:
[quote] your_quote [/quote]
To add a link:
[link] your_link_text | link_url [/link]
Need to know that we can't place anchor ads manually, nor create any code that will produce anchor ads. AdSense only allows anchor ads through the use of auto ads.
and if you change the layout? like this:
1. Pilihan untuk menampilkan / menyembunyikan post di homepage
2. Recent Post berdasarkan label atau random post yang bisa disematkan di bawah postingan unggulan yang mirip dengan post di homepage.
Terima kasih,
•Auto Show TOC di atas Title <H2 di semua postingan,
•Shadow Effect di Sidebar Gadget,
•Auto Countdown Timer Links di semua postingan (Setiap user klik Dapatkan Link, waktu timer nya tetap berjalan dan tidak mengulang jika mengklik yang lain)
[link] [/link]
Auto toc
[image] [/image]
Shadow effect
[image] [/image]
Auto Countdown Timer
To be monitored, please create a Thread with the 'Request' tag on the [link]Thread|[/link] page.
To be monitored, please create a Thread with the 'Request' tag on the [link]Thread|[/link] page.
To be monitored, please create a Thread with the 'Request' tag on the [link]Thread|[/link] page.
dan request random thumbnail